Saturday, November 14, 2009

Slow Paintings


©2009 Caroline Roberts

This week was one of the most productive studio weeks I have had in a long time. Phases, pictured left, has taken nearly 8 months, but it is finally complete. You've heard of slow food and slow homes? Well, now I must announce: slow painting. Slow more due to insufficient planning. I learnt a lot from this painting - how I have to plan very thoroughly if I am to free-paint such hard edges. Having to repaint the grey lines (they were once blue) and two of the three curve colors didn't help things along. Anyhow, 'tis done and I am really pleased with it.

Wind Chimes (work in progress)

©2009 Caroline Roberts

Also on the go this week has been Wind Chimes, shown below. This piece was planned in a lot more detail and is taped which has sped things along. I can't wait to see it finished - removing the tape each time unveils a little more of what it will be. The tape helps the painting guard its secrets for longer and even I only get glimpses.

Today I spent some time tidying the office. I love Marianne's idea of a time-lapsed transformation so I shall post a photo of the beginnings in the next day or so. Right now the floor is the staging area for my daughter's party tomorrow.

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